Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th is Greek Independence Day

Today we celebrate the day the Greeks delcared they would have "Liberty or Death" from the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Turks controlled Greece, as well as Egypt, Bulgaria, and parts of Romania, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Ukraine, Syria, Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tunisia, Georgia and Palestine. Their influence was widespread and oppressive. The Greek nationalists were the first to officially break away from the Empire, after over 400 years of occupation.

My favorite figure in the Greek War for Independence is Laskarina Boubalina. Born in Ottoman prison, Boubalina rose to become a heroine of the revolution. After her second husband died fighting Algerian pirates(!), she took over his fortune and began building ships, including the Agamemnon warship at her own expense. After the Ottoman government tries to sieze her property, she joined the Filikia Etairia (Friendly Society) that had formed in an effort to gain independence for Greece. She personally purchased and transported weapons and ammunitions secretly in her ships. She bribed Turkish officials to ignore the size of her warship. She eventually organized her own brigade of troops, that she physically led into battle.
And unlike what most men would do in her position, she saved most of the women from the Ottoman Sultan's palace when it was sacked. An all around baddass female.

Unfortunatelty after independence, Boubalina was merked in a family fued (damn Greeks!). Though after being shot right in the chest, she badassly said "Help me stand, I want to see the sea before I die."

Also, my first dog was named Bouba for her.

* originally posted in 2007


  1. Thanks for the history lesson!

  2. "...she badassly said..."

    Honestly, I have no idea who you are, but this is one of the most hilarious and clever Blogs I've stumbled across in a long, long time. Absolutely f-ing brilliant. Kudos.

    Here's the best part - found it by searching Google for "easter bunny crucified"

    That can't happen every day...

